Monday, December 8, 2014

Seed Savers Catalog

It's here! Oh happy day, Christmas has come early! That's right, I got my Seed Savers Exchange Catalog this week. It's the first of the seed catalogs to make it to my house and by far my favorite. I love Seed Savers. If you have never heard about Seed Savers check out their website here. I love seed savers because they are a non-profit that is committed to preserving seed diversity. Not only that, but the history nerd in me loves the story of each seed they get. The catalog is filled with veggies, fruit and flowers that were all given to seed savers over the years by their members. Each seed has a history that usually goes something like "this seed came from Joe Giovanni whose family has been saving this seed for a century after their great-great grandpa brought the seed over from Italy." I just love reading about the history of the seeds and figure that if families have been saving this seed on their own for so long it must be good.

Oh, look at those tomatoes! I can just taste them now....Only 7 more months until I do...

They have both dry and snap beans. I grew the "Cherokee Trail of Tears" black beans pictured above last year and they were fantastic. I saved some of the beans/seeds and will definitely grow them again. Still deciding what other beans to grow, so many to choose from.

I grew the "Aunt Mae Bib" lettuce pictured above last summer. Loved it! Definitely will grow again. I think I will plant a few more varieties next summer. Lettuce always does so well and I just love having fresh lettuce all summer long.

Peppers! The bane of my gardening existence. They never do well in my garden, but every year I dedicate a space in my garden for them. I just don't learn my lesson. I have solemnly vowed not to grow them this year. Isn't that the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result or something like that. No more peppers, but those habaneros look so cool, no, no, not happening.

I have heard this is the new cool thing to grow. Maybe I'll have to put this in my experimental garden, what do you think?

This is another thing I love. Throughout the catalog they have tips on how to save seeds.

"Bee's Friend" was a great addition to my veggie garden. I planted it solely to attract pollinators and boy did it deliver. There was always bees buzzing around this plant.

They have an amazing selection of herbs.

I am definitely getting those Morning Glories again. They were just beautiful.

The only bad thing about getting seed catalogs in the dead of winter is that it makes you wish for summer. Unfortunately its over five months away, argh! I am going to order most of my seeds this year from Seed Savers and the rest from Bountiful Gardens (another non-profit committed to heirloom and open pollinated plants). I am only going to heirloom and open pollinated plants this year. No more hybrids. Can't wait!

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