Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy January!

Wow! It has been over a month since my last post. I can't believe I went this long without posting anything, but we have been so busy this past month and a half I just couldn't find time to keep up with my blog. I am back now and have a few posts and recipes lined up to share with you all so stay tuned!

I suppose I should update you on what has been happening on my Minnesota Homestead this past month so here is a quick run down. The holidays are always a busy time, but since my sister had her baby right before Christmas, her and her husband couldn't come to visit us as usual. So, we had to bring Christmas to her in KC. On Christmas Day, the girls, the hubby and I packed up our presents and headed down to KC to spend Christmas with my parents, sister, bro in law and new nephew. We had an amazing time! It was great to have all of us together.

And of course, love on this little guy!

We had a quiet New Years with my cousin and her family. We realized how old we were when the adults were ready to go to bed before the kiddos. I am proud to say that we did make it to midnight to see the ball drop in Times Square, but we immediately went to bed afterwards :) We are wild and crazy I tell ya!

After New Years our entire family got sick! I seemed to get the brunt of it as usual. I am pretty sure my husband was sick for a day while I was sick for an entire does that work? Since then we have kept busy. I am definitely ready for spring. The winter here in Minnesota has been pretty mild especially compared to last year, but this is the time of year when us Northerners get pretty stir crazy! Most of us take vacations somewhere warm around this time of year as is evident by my Facebook newsfeed filled with pictures of my friends in tropical locations (so jealous!) I am already dreaming of warmer days spent outside with the girls, trips to the cabin and getting my hands dirty in my vegetable garden.

I think our chickens would agree that it is time for spring! They have been cooped up most of the winter, but since it has been so mild lately, there are actually patches of grass for them to walk around on. So, I have been letting them free range and stretch their wings these past few weeks. Although there isn't much for them to eat and forage, they appreciate the opportunity to get out! I don't blame them!

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